Happy Monday everyone!
Time for you to lift your butt off the bed and the back to world of reality, except me. haha. Holiday-land still calling me and persuade me to forget all the problems, do crazy-hell-yeah thingy and fully use my right-brain . LOL.
So dear people, we still could smell this romantic Valentine's Day as it passed through us. I do 'heart' love story. Maybe everyone does. With all the fairy tales and almost impossible idea about 'happily ever after'. I still feel err..optimist for having my upcoming true love prince, soulmate, and whateva you named it.
Speaking of true love, I had this love story below as one in million. They've married for couple of days and separated for 60 years!!! What a pure and sweet couple. Maybe some of you had heard about it. They are Anna Kozlov and Boris from Siberia. Here's the story :

When Anna Kozlov caught sight of the elderly man clambering out of a car in her home village of Borovlyanka in Siberia, she stopped dead in her tracks, convinced her eyes were playing tricks.
There, in front of her, was Boris, the man she had fallen in love with and married 60 years earlier. The last time she had seen him was three days after their wedding, when she kissed him goodbye and sent him off to rejoin his Red Army unit.
By the time he returned, Anna was gone, consigned by Stalin’s purges to internal exile in Siberia with the rest of her family as an enemy of the people. They left no forwarding address.
Frantic, Boris tried everything he could to find his young bride, but it was no good. She was gone.
Now, more than half a century later, they were reunited, an extraordinary coincidence leading them both to return to their home village on the very same day.
“I thought my eyes were playing games with me,” Anna said. “I saw this familiar looking man approaching me, his eyes gazing at me. My heart jumped. I knew it was him. I was crying with joy.”
Now 80 years old, Boris had returned to visit his parents’ grave. As he stepped out of the car, he looked up to see Anna standing by her old house, where they had lived for the few days after the wedding.
“I ran up to her and said: 'My darling, I’ve been waiting for you for so long. My wife, my life...’”
They stayed up all night, talking about everything that had happened to them and the cruel circumstances that tore them apart. They met when he was secretary of the Young Communists and had to make a speech in the village.
Afterwards, she was standing there in a circle of friends, but he had eyes only for her. Her father had been purged by Stalin before the war for refusing to work in a collective farm, but Boris did not care. She was too beautiful for words. “I loved her and would always defend her,” he recalled.
So the romance blossomed. When he came home from the front, she was always there, waiting. In 1946, they married. Three days later, he had to return to his unit. “We kissed goodbye - but I never expected we wouldn’t see each other for more than half a century,” Anna said.
Like her father, she was branded an enemy of the people and forced with the rest of her family into internal exile in Siberia.
“I threatened to commit suicide rather than go because I couldn’t live without him,” she said, “but in the end I was forced to go. It was the most miserable time of my life.”
On his return, Boris was distraught. “She was always waiting for me when I came home, but this time there was no sign of her,” he said. “Nobody knew where they were, or what had happened to Anna. That’s how we lost any track of each other”.
In their new village, Anna’s mother resolved that the girl should remarry. She told her that Boris had remarried. “She said he had forgotten about me - that’s why no letters came.
“I didn’t believe it and I longed for him so much. But one day I got back home from work at a timber plant and my mum had burned all his earlier letters, poems and pictures - including our wedding photographs.
“She told me this other man was coming to meet me - and that I should go out with him, and if I was lucky, he’d marry me. I burst into tears and rushed into the yard. The world turned black for me. I wanted to die and I got a clothes line and went into the hayloft intending to hang myself.
“My mother came in and slapped me in the face and told me not to be so stupid. She persuaded me to go out with this man, Nefed, and gradually he and my mother persuaded me that this was where my future lay.”
Boris, too, finally gave in and re-married. He became a writer, penning a book dedicated to the woman he’d married as a young soldier but only ever spent three nights with.
In time, their respective spouses died. With the demise of the Soviet Union, Anna was once more able to travel home. Then came the chance reunion. “I felt the same when we met last year,” Boris said. “I couldn’t take my eyes off her. Yes I had loved other women when we were separated. But she was the true love of my life.”
He suggested they marry again. Anna resisted, but says he talked her round. “What’s the point, I said, we can just live together they rest of our lives? But he insisted. I never thought I’d be a bride at my age but it was my happiest wedding.
“Since we found each other again, I swear we haven’t had a single quarrel. We’ve been parted for so long and who knows how much is left for us, so we just don’t want to lose time on arguing.”
That's a real sweet couple. They've been suffering and struggling their love for each other. In conclusion, it's all about feeling grateful for everything that you have, including LOVE. You dont want to suffer the regret of losing them. Seriously. Enjoy the time of togetherness. Spread your love around to your family, couple or friends. And you really will deserved the feedbacks and of course PEACEFUL life.
*au revoir C: